Coaching with Psychedelics
Hero’s Journey with (legal) Psychedelics
Microdosing coaching, 1:1 medium dose sessions or macro dose journeys in small retreats setting.
If any of the below resonates with you, you might be ready to explore the possibility of journeying with psychedelics.
You feel it is time for a change. You would like to move on in life and be happy. You feel that you are not doing what you should be doing. Your mind is open but your head feels full. And you don’t know what to do next.
You want to know yourself better, connect to emotions and get extra insights; become a more balanced person and create deeper connections with others.
There might be things blocking or limiting you. You may feel stuck or be experiencing deeper issues with loneliness, guilt, lack of confidence, self worth, or sleeping problems.
Perhaps you are interested in the exploration of consciousness. You may have watched Netflix documentaries or read about the healing potential of Psychedelics and Plant Medicine. You may feel curiosity or a calling. You would like to try it but you don’t know how or feel unsafe.
In the past you may have tried similar substances recreationally or heard of someone who has used them before. You are curious, but you remain sceptical or have questions. You are asking yourself if psychedelics can be addictive, and wouldn’t know what to go for – you heard of Ayahuasca, but it scares you or would not like to throw up. LSD makes you think of hippies in the 60s. You are afraid of a “bad trip” and letting go of control.

When embarking on your Hero’s Journey Coaching with Psychedelics:
- You will learn important facts about various types of psychedelics so that you can understand differences in modalities and legality of use, and explore your options.
- I will guide you through the benefits, implications and contraindications so that you can choose a safe, legal and most suitable way of doing it.
- During a consultation you will be able to ask questions so that you will know better how to prepare and what to expect during your psychedelic journey.
- You will receive coaching on your struggles and desires and explore how psychedelics can help you.
- In full confidentiality, you will have an opportunity to decide on the right method for you and explore places and solutions that will be suitable for you with your coach.
- With Hero’s Journey, you will stay in a controlled environment where you will feel safe and supported.
- Knowing that you are not alone will make it easier to let go, trust and surrender. Your guide will be there for you to reassure you that “you are OK” and nothing bad will happen, support you with what is needed during the journey.
- You will not only deep dive to get to know yourself better, but also have fun, listen to beautiful music and, if you are open to it, include other elements such as oracle cards, herbs and oils, chakras work, meditative preparations and more.
- After the session, you will integrate your experience and address anything that comes up, be able to implement the learnings into practical life, and receive further support and guidance.
Hero’s Journey offers different modalities of working with Psychedelics.
If you book your free intake call, you will be able to further explore and ask questions to best choose the method that seems suitable for you.
Preparation and Integration Package – You will receive coaching on your struggles and desires, exploring how working in expanded states of consciousness and psychedelics could assist you. With thorough preparation and heightened self-awareness, you can embark on your future psychedelic journey safely and tranquilly. By exploring psychedelics, individuals often confront profound insights and may confront uncomfortable challenges. Rather than allowing these valuable lessons to diminish, integration assists in implementing newfound understanding into daily life. With integration support, the path of self-discovery and healing through psychedelics can ascend to greater levels. Available both in person and online.
– Consultation before your first psychedelic experience
– Learning how to safely find a practitioner and treatment right for you
– Integrating a powerful or challenging psychedelic experience
- Microdosing coaching – you will implement microdosing to your coaching sessions so that you can work with intention, go deeper to explore significant themes, goals and blockages. Microdosing will bring flow into the coaching process and open you up to seeing and feeling more clearly.
- 1 : 1 Journey – in a safe and controlled environment you will work with a medium – high dose of psilocybin containing truffles. You will have a great taste of what a psychedelic journey feels like and still maintain a certain amount of control over the process. Your journey will include preparation and integration sessions so that you know better how to prepare, what to expect and how to implement lessons learnt into your daily life.
- Retreats – In a small group of 5-8 persons you will be able to experience a full psychedelic journey with use of psilocybin containing truffles. Away from your home environment, you will not feel responsible for everyday duties, watched or judged. Free to be yourself and express what comes, you will be listening to others, sharing your own stories, opening up to trust and relational wisdom. The group can be women or men only or mixed and be guided by 2-3 facilitators. After your intake, you will receive a 1:1 preparation session, have the opportunity to meet others in a video call, spend a full day at the retreat place (with or without overnight stay), be very well taken care of before, during and after your truffles journey, and integrate your experience in a final group call.
**Before starting work with psychedelics, you will discuss any possible contraindications and your readiness to undertake any of the journeys.
You will be offered psilocybin containing truffles – substance that is legal in the Netherlands.