
Magic Yurt Ceremony

Discover the Power of Truffles!


3-5 May 2024, Culemborg – near Utrecht, in the Netherlands

A 3 day retreat in a yurt situated in nature, exploring your inner world with magic truffles in a safe setting.

A unique chance to prepare yourself for the summer, join us to discover the magic of truffles at a beautiful location in Culemborg near Utrecht.

Take this opportunity to join a small group in a cozy atmosphere for a magic psilocybin truffle ceremony where you will experience an unforgettable journey inwards.

The retreat starts on Friday afternoon and ends on Sunday midday, though the program also includes personal (and group) preparation and integration calls leading up to this magical weekend away.

The truffle ceremony will take place in a traditional yurt and you will be sleeping in warm, cozy, and newly renovated accommodations (shared rooms for 2 persons) on the premises.



Friday, 3 May 2024

  • Arrival at 15:00
  • Introduction and getting to know each other
  • Time to relax in the sauna or go for a walk
  • Sharing circle with a micro dose of truffles
  • Dinner

Saturday, 4 May 2024

  • Light breakfast
  • Time to relax in the sauna or go for a walk
  • Preparation for the ceremony
  • Truffle ceremony guided by experienced facilitators
  • Snacks and dinner after the ceremony
  • Campfire outside (if weather permits)
  • Overnight stay in a two person accommodation (sharing)

Sunday, 5 May 2024

  • Morning activation exercise
  • Breakfast
  • Sharing circle
  • Departure at 12:00


It is important to prepare yourself before a truffle ceremony to ensure the most optimal experience. In our 45 minute 1:1 preparation call we explain what you can expect, how you can best prepare yourself (food, intention setting, mental preparation) and answer any questions you might have. 

There will also be a group preparation call of 1 hour.


Integration is just as important, to help you reflect on the experience and integrate what happened. Integration is the process of understanding the insights that you have gained through psychedelic experiences and applying them in a lasting way to your life. With integration, we take the pieces of your experience and bring them together in a way that makes sense and that can produce a permanent change in perceptions or behavior.

We will book an individual integration call with each of you (45 minutes) and will also organize a group integration call of 1 hour.

These preparation and integration calls will take place with your designated facilitator; Magda, Mirjam or Xavier, all three are experienced coaches and psychonauts (people who have ample experience with altered states of consciousness).

When you need more support after the ceremony, you can always book additional sessions with your facilitator/coach.

Friday 3 May to Sunday 5 May, 2024, at Culemborg.


Your investment includes the ceremony, a (shared, 2p) room for the overnight stay, dinner, breakfast, and activities, as well as the preparation and integration calls with your designated facilitator.

Early Bird Discount 999 EUR (incl. VAT), if you sign up before 15 March.

After 15 March 2024, your investment will be 1,099 EUR.

You can pay in one go, or in two installments.

Interested? Contact us at

Testimonials form previous retreats:

Words can’t describe this wondeful retreat.

Words can’t describe this wondeful retreat. And maybe that’s a good thing or I would totally fill the entire internet writing about this. But I’ll give it a go anyway… The love and dedication that Magda, Mirjam and Xavier put into the entire experience is almost tangible, from the very first moment to the last. With warmth, knowledge, experience and humor they create a safe and loving environment in which it was possible for me to totally let go and dive into whatever came up during my trip. They have set all the parameters to create a group energy that lifts up the experience to an even higher level. I never considered myself having a great talent for letting go, or for navigating in groups. But… I did it and I loved it. The retreat takes place at a perfect location: the setting feels secluded yet safe. Spacious and intimate at the same time. Magda, Mirjam and Xavier take care of everything during, and before and after the magic ceremony. ‘Mundane’ things like the delicious food they served us are also given great attention. As for the trip itself, the experience is highly individual I guess. So I can’t hint on any plot spoilers. All I can say is that it gave me so, so much. More and in a different way maybe than I was expecting. I left the retreat feeling grateful and positive. with valuable new insights. It’s like I have been on a relaxing holiday for six weeks exploring an amazing new continent. I would highly recommend this retreat to anyone considering attending it. Please do! This was the best gift I could have given myself. Beforehand I couldn’t have imagined how fundamental it was and is. Thank you a million Magda, Mirjam and Xavier. You are amazing.

Lineke, March 2023

It’s just done. I got the clarity.

This is regarding my recent retreat with Magda, Mirjam and Xavier. I want to thank you so much, for the all love and care that was given. I felt completely safe and protected during the whole ceremony. The accommodation was just fantastic, and food was so organic, fresh and delicious that I could still feel it’s freshness. There is no regrets or complaints from everything we received, was more than amazing. I had a beautiful journey during my ceremony. I just can’t express in words, all my questions got answered. I now feel more connected to myself and the Divine in me. The way program was designed helped me navigate through every situation I faced during my journey very effectively. I am so grateful to you, I had once in a lifetime experience I cannot forget. Still trying to process everything. But it was very beautiful and I now know what I am and what is my purpose. It’s just done. I got the clarity. Thank you so much. May you guide many more beautiful souls who feel lost in their journey.
Asha, June 2023

What a wonderful weekend

What a wonderful weekend with 5 other fellow travelers and 3 guides Magda, Xavier and Mirjam! Most of us were strangers beforehand but left as friends. That was thanks to the caring and thoughtful way the weekend had been planned – all designed to give us participants a sense of security and support for our journeys. The yurt on a farm provided a tranquil setting and, although immersed in our individual trips, the shared experience – being able to discuss our anticipation and concerns beforehand and then discuss and compare journeys afterwards – really added to the process. All in all I highly recommend both the experience and our 3 knowledgeable and professional guides.

Steve, March 2023

The Magic Yurt team

The Magic Yurt team is an incredibly professional and supportive group who help facilitate a safe and wonderfully enriching experience.

Shawn, June 2023

The Magic Yurt Ceremony

The Magic Yurt Ceremony with Magda and Mirjam was my second foray into psychedelics. Magda and Mirjam immediately put me at ease with their combined experience and obvious passion for psychedelics. Care and attention was put into everything, from the calls prior to the retreat, the beautiful setting, the truffles, the food (thanks Mirjam!) and the extensive follow-up in the days after the ceremony. Whether you have previous experience with psilocybin or if this is your first trip, Magda and Mirjam are a safe pair of hands. I’m so grateful for my experience and have a feeling I’ll be back!”

The Magic Yurt team

The Magic Yurt is well… magical. At the core of the experience are the amazing guides: Mirjam, Magda and Xavier, who with great care, open hearts and love support you throughout the entire experience from onboarding, through your journey to integration. The facilities and location in a mystical apple and pear orchard are ideal to experience a deeper connection with yourself, nature and those on the journey with you. The set and setting are customized to ensure a beautiful, safe and harmonious spiritual experience. And the food is delicious and nutritious. All of which made my experience unforgettable and life changing. I highly recommend the Magic Yurt to anyone looking to heal, explore and deepen their connection to themselves and the Universe.

Derek Lauber, June 2023