The Magic Yurt team

The Magic Yurt is well… magical. At the core of the experience are the amazing guides: Mirjam, Magda and Xavier, who with great care, open hearts and love support you throughout the entire experience from onboarding, through your journey to integration. The...

The Magic Yurt Ceremony

The Magic Yurt Ceremony with Magda and Mirjam was my second foray into psychedelics. Magda and Mirjam immediately put me at ease with their combined experience and obvious passion for psychedelics. Care and attention was put into everything, from the calls prior to...

The Magic Yurt team

The Magic Yurt team is an incredibly professional and supportive group who help facilitate a safe and wonderfully enriching experience. Shawn, June...

What a wonderful weekend

What a wonderful weekend with 5 other fellow travelers and 3 guides Magda, Xavier and Mirjam! Most of us were strangers beforehand but left as friends. That was thanks to the caring and thoughtful way the weekend had been planned – all designed to give us...

It’s just done. I got the clarity.

This is regarding my recent retreat with Magda, Mirjam and Xavier. I want to thank you so much, for the all love and care that was given. I felt completely safe and protected during the whole ceremony. The accommodation was just fantastic, and food was so organic,...

Words can’t describe this wondeful retreat.

Words can’t describe this wondeful retreat. And maybe that’s a good thing or I would totally fill the entire internet writing about this. But I’ll give it a go anyway… The love and dedication that Magda, Mirjam and Xavier put into the entire experience is almost...